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I started my little business in lockdown 1.0 on May 17th, 2020. After being put on furlough we started with our yummy lemon drizzle loaves then moved onto cupcakes and other goodies.
After a few months of starting Chloe Bakes, I built up my courage and quit my old job and went full time.

Baking has always been a passion of mine, when I was a little girl, my Nan helped me make my first Christmas cake at the age of 6 and ever since that I haven’t stopped baking and creating yummy bakes!
I never did well in school and never really enjoyed any of lessons with the exception of catering, I loved the baking part, but paperwork side was never my strong point. I went on to taking catering as a GCSE at South Dartmoor Community College and then went on to take a Patisserie course at South Devon College.
Since I can remember I've always wanted to start my own baking business, but it has taken me a few years for me to build up my courage and confidence to start my own business. But I would never look back.
This has changed my life and I’m so happy!


My name is Chloe and I am the founder of Chloe Bakes. Here’s a little bit about me and how Chloe Bakes came into being...  

I'm Chloe, a cake maker from Ashburton, Devon. My parents converted their utility & summer room into a professional home bakery for me so I could turn my passion into a business. With the help of my mum Mandy, I craft stunning bespoke cakes that are sure to be the highlight of any occasion. I am a bespoke buttercream cake maker covering all things cakes: celebration and wedding cakes; bespoke cupcakes; and we also offer lots of tasty goodies which you can order weekly please take a look at what we offer to see more.

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